Children, young people and families

We undertake research and evaluation across a wide range of areas including youth engagement and progression, childcare and family support programmes.

  • (Welsh Government, 2015-18)

    Flying Start provides a programme of targeted support services (including enhanced health visiting and parenting support) to children and families in the most deprived areas of Wales in order to make a decisive difference to the lives of children in the areas in which it is delivered. Arad undertook longitudinal, qualitative research over three years to gather the views of families who access these services, gathering evidence on their engagement with the services and the impact of the services on the family’s well-being.

  • (Cardiff Council, 2016)

    Arad provided Cardiff Council with an audit and action plan on youth engagement and the progression of young people in education, training and employment. The work included an audit of youth engagement, a workshop with relevant Council departments and organisations to understand activity and the provision of an action plan making recommendations on the development of the Council’s youth offer.

  • (Welsh Government, 2014-15)

    Arad, in partnership with ICF, was commissioned to undertake a formative evaluation of the Youth Engagement and Progression Framework. The evaluation included detailed research on the progress made in implementing the framework across local authorities in Wales. Interviews with stakeholders were undertaken in all local authorities in Wales as well as interviews with policy leads and national stakeholders such as the Welsh Government and Job Centre Plus. A review of secondary data was also undertaken as part of the process of developing an evaluation framework for a future impact evaluation of the YEPF.

  • (Gwynedd Communities First Network, 2014-15)

    Arad undertook an evaluation of the Fast Track to skills project. This, three-year Big Lottery-funded project aimed to support young people NEET and at risk of becoming NEET through providing them with opportunities to access short, accredited courses as well as ongoing mentoring support. The evaluation included fieldwork with young people, delivery staff, mentors and referral agencies in Gwynedd as well as a value for money assessment.