Health and well-being

We undertake research and evaluation to support clients working to improve the health and wider well-being of diverse groups across society.

  • (Care & Repair Cymru, 2018-20)

    The Attic Project is a partnership project between Care & Repair Cymru, Newport Care & Repair, Care & Repair Cardiff and The Vale and VCS Cymru. Funded by the Big Lottery for three years, the project supports older people to organise their personal possessions so that they can live as independently as possible. Arad is evaluating the effectiveness of the project’s overall implementation and service model, as well as its impact on those it seeks to support.

  • (Creu Cymru, 2016-18)

    Survivors is a project funded by the Big Lottery Fund. Led by Creu Cymru in partnership with Chickenshed. The project works with a number of theatres across Wales in conjunction with a range of not-for-profit organisations which seek to support the wellbeing of those affected by domestic abuse. Arad undertook a longitudinal evaluation of the project, comprising analysis of monitoring data, interviews with project beneficiaries and key stakeholders and project visits.

  • (Welsh Government, 2015-16)

    Arad was commissioned by the Welsh Government to provide support to projects that were funded under the NHS Invest to Save programme, which aimed to develop the evidence base for interventions to improve health and reduce sickness absence across NHS Wales. The aim of the Arad’s work was to support project staff in developing frameworks and methods for evaluating their work in order for them to improve their understanding of progress, outcomes and impact.

  • (Macmillan, 2013-15)

    The Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Services were outreach services, delivered mainly from library settings, aimed at support people affected by cancer. One of the service hubs was delivered from Torfaen libraries. Arad evaluated the processes involved in setting up and establishing these library-based services as well as the reach and impact they had on those who accessed the information and support available. Arad also reviewed the extent to which the services supported the core aims and objectives of the library services.

  • (Welsh Government, 2015)

    Arad evaluated the impact generated by the Better Advice Better Lives programme, a programme funded by the Welsh Government and delivered by Citizens Advice Cymru. The programme offers advice to citizens at various health settings e.g. GP surgeries. The evaluation focussed on the impact advice has had on the lives of service users and the extent to which healthcare professionals view this as a means of improving the health of those supported. Interviews were held in participants’ homes and in community venues.