You can find our latest published reports, new projects and other Arad news here.
December 16 2023
Arad’s report on the findings of the first phase of the four-year formative evaluation of the Additional Learning Needs (ALN) system has been published by Welsh Government.
The report presents a theory of change for the reforms, summarises findings from a synthesis of existing evidence on Additional Learning Needs (ALN) system implementation, and articulates the plans and priorities for the next phases of the evaluation.
Link to report
December 6 2023
Our report on the postgraduate research student experience has been published.
Drawing on research with stakeholders and focus groups with students, the report provides HEFCW with insights and an understanding of the issues faced by postgraduate research students. The research aimed to investigate key aspects of postgraduate research student experiences, including academic support, development and training opportunities, community building among postgraduate research students and representation at institutional level.
Link to report
September 21 2023
A report by Arad based on research with schools and learners on the early implementation of Curriculum for Wales has been published by Welsh Government.
The research involved two waves of qualitative research with school senior leaders and learners during the academic year 2022/23 to understand how the curriculum and assessment reforms are working, and the barriers and facilitators to successful implementation.
Link to report
July 11 2023
A report by Arad Research evaluating the Welsh Government’s programme of activities to promote Wales as part of the FIFA Men’s World Cup 2022 has been published.
The Welsh Government-funded World Cup activity comprised:
The Partner Support Fund (PSF) which funded 19 culture, sport and education organisations to deliver activities to celebrate Wales in the World Cup.
An enhanced marketing campaign, promoting the Cymru Wales brand, focusing on increasing business and tourism activity in target markets
Lleisiau Cymru World Cup Ambassadors – a new initiative consisting of a group of four individuals who worked to raise Wales’ profile internationally and to help create long-lasting positive perceptions and building strong relationships with key partners
International events organised by the Welsh Government’s overseas offices, particularly in Qatar and the USA.
Link to report
June 15 2023
The Welsh Government commissioned Arad to carry out an independent review to better understand the reasons for the decline in the number of childminders in Wales. The review outlines that a sharp and continued decline in the number of registered childminders is taking place at a time when the demand for childcare is likely to increase. It makes a number of recommendations for the Welsh Government and others to attract and retain childminders, support existing childminders to accommodate more childcare places and be more financially viable.
Link to report
May 16 2023
The Welsh Government has published Arad’s final report based on the evaluation of the professional standards for teaching, leadership and assisting teaching.
The final report is available here and includes findings from year 1 and year 2 of the evaluation.
This research involved interviews with stakeholders, and an exploration of data collected via the professional learning passport, as well as interviews with practitioners across schools in Wales.
The report presents the fieldwork and data findings, outlining the use of the standards, support available to use the standards, and the perceived and anticipated impacts of the standards.
April 26 2023
The research involved expectant and new parents; members of the workforce who have an interest in baby bundles, such as midwives and health visitors; and stakeholder organisations that work with or support parents.
The objectives of the research were to gather evidence to inform the delivery of the baby bundles scheme, identify the essential items that should be included in the bundle, and determine the subject area and format of any information provided to parents as part of the bundle. The research also explored views on registration and delivery of the bundle, as well as options for introducing information about the baby bundles to expectant parents. Link to report
We would also like to take this opportunity to extend our thanks to all the participants who gave their time and shared their valuable insights with us during the interviews and focus groups. Diolch